Those staunch, staid Republicans keep getting all interactive on us!
First there was the live web tour of the convention facilities I wrote about a couple of days ago.
Now they're sponsoring a contest to win a free trip to the convention. All you have to do is make a video of yourself, 2 minutes or less, about why you're a Republican. The winner will get to attend the convention as part of the press corps, and will see their video played on the convention floor. Pretty cool, although I don't have the time, energy, or interest to actually make a video and post it. Which got me to wondering: are these types of promotions really aimed at (or even successful at) attracting new devotees who are drawn by the interactivity? Or are the party faithful the only ones who are really participating?
I noticed while I was at the contest site that the Republicans have 27 other convention related videos on YouTube, including an archived version of that lunchtime chat web tour of the convention center from last Friday. One of the most watched videos is a spoof of a costumed donkey visiting the convention headquarters to deliver a singing telegram (and then being mock "arrested"):
When something as old school as a GOP convention can get into the new media act, you know it must be mainstream!
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