I’m a broadcast journalist, so I live and die by my teases and the lead line of every story I write, just like my friends in print live and die by their headlines and lead paragraph. Capture the viewer’s/reader’s attention and you get them to watch/read the rest of the story. Fail to engage them and they change the channel or toss the paper in the trash.
E-mail marketing is no different. Craft a great subject line and the recipient will open the e-mail to find out more – and if your opening is just as enticing as the headline, they may read to the end and maybe even take you up on your offer. Write a bad subject line and they’ll never even get to your opening: you’ll quickly become the victim of the delete button, or worse, be automatically consigned to the spam file.
This got me thinking again about those 43 e-mails I received June 17-25. Which ones had headlines that grabbed my attention? Which ones would the experts say were effective? And which ones were clunkers?
I judged them against advice from two sources: an organization called MailChimp, which actually analyzed the open rates of 40 million e-mails it sent on behalf of customers, and web marketer Michael Bloch of tamingthebeast.com. Bloch says there are two different types of e-mail marketing communications: those that require a hard sell (a traditional marketing campaign) and those that require a soft sell (informational e-mails, e-newsletters, etc.). Looking back through my e-mails I could see exactly what he means. For example:
From Pottery Barn (hard sell): Outdoor sale! Save Up to 50%
From the Red Cross (soft sell): Flood relief relies on all of us
Interestingly the folks at MailChimp found that the top 20 e-mail subject lines in terms of open rate (60%-87% opened) were more straightforward and less pushy than the ones with the lowest open rates (1%-14%). They say it’s all in the recipient’s expectations: if you’re a soft-sell organization that builds customer relationships slowly, an out of the blue e-mail screaming "10% Discount! Open Now!" would be jarring. But if subscribers have opted-in to receive special notices and promotions, then they fully expect a hard sell.
Bloch goes on to describe some general rules for subject lines:
*Should be no longer than 51 characters to take into account varying subject line display lengths of different software. I received at least three e-mails during my test time period that violated that rule:
From Allstate: Reminder -- Online Survey from Allstate not fo…
From Home Decorators Collection: Choose From Hundreds of Our Most Popular Pr…
From e-rewards: Get Rewarded for Your Time – A Study About En…
See what he means? I need to know what “Pr” and “En” are in order to know whether I’m interested in opening the e-mails from Home Decorators and e-rewards! Those two e-mails would have been an automatic delete for me.
*Avoid words that trigger spam filters, like free and discount, or punctuation like “!” and “$”. Bloch says that doesn’t mean you can't use them, just don't go overboard. The organizations that market to me must have taken this advice to heart: I encountered only one mention of “free,” one “discount,” and three exclamation points during my test period. However, I can find no explanation in Bloch’s writings for the fact that every e-mail I receive from Prevention Magazine is consigned to the spam file!
*Don't SHOUT (caps lock). It can trigger spam filters and is bad “netiquette.”
*Bloch and MailChimp agree: the use of [COMPANYNAME] as the first word in a subject line seems to help achieve high open rates. If you don't want to take up subject line space, put the company name in the “from” line, along with a human name. That’s what the on-line marketing education organization Marketing Profs did when they sent me this e-mail:
From: Penny at Marketing Profs Subject: Welcome to Marketing Profs!
*Use the person's first name in a subject line if you have that information, followed by a question. I got no personalized subject lines during my test.
*Create a sense of urgency without going overboard, like this one from Borders:
Coupon Inside – Through Sunday
*Describe what the email contains, the reason it should be opened and the reward the reader will receive for doing so. That covers the majority of the e-mails I received, like:
Get Tickets First for Styx with The Outlaws (Ticketmaster)
Chilled Soups & Summer Salads (Weightwatchers.com)
Weekly Specials and More at Giant Eagle (Giant Eagle supermarket)
Best Books of June (Amazon)
*Try to stir up curiosity. Here is where the subject lines in my e-mails from Marketing Profs hit a home run – you would hope so, since they’re in the business of dispensing marketing advice! My favorites included:
It’s Time to Socialize, People! (about how everyone – even people you wouldn’t expect – are using social media)
Just Say No! (about saying no to pushy e-mail campaigns designed to drive short term sales)
Shameless Marketing Stunt (about a viral marketing campaign called “Walk of No Shame” for AMP energy drink)
You Tried Hard. I Like You (about how companies – like Avis - that are perceived as putting in more effort are rewarded with more business)
Block also recommends testing subject lines before doing a mass e-mailing. This idea is two fold: you can test your spam scoring by sending to different e-mail services like Yahoo, Gmail and Hotmail. And you can test different subject lines to see which get the best response. One of my classmates laid out the following scenario: you need to send out an e-mail to 200 people advertising a festival where two distinctly different activities will be going on. Before the mass mailing you send out 25 test e-mails with a subject line describing one activity and 25 promoting the other. Which ever subject line generates the most response is sent to the other 150 recipients.
I couldn’t finish this blog post without sharing the two worst subject lines I received during my test – yes, they’re even worse than the ones that were too long to fit:
Plan A Summer Vacation (Pottery Barn). Last time I checked, Pottery Barn did not offer travel agency services!
New England July Connected Living (Comcast). Might work if I lived in Boston, but I’m from Pittsburgh!
Happy e-mailing!
Copying Your Competition
4 days ago
I bet this came in handy this week for Direct Marketing class.
You're blog's great, thorough, relevant and interesting. Thanks for the content and work that you put into it!
I can't tell you how many email messages I get that break all of these rules!
Melissa --
I'm so there with you! The subject lines that bother me the most are the subject lines that are too long to fit. What the heck? How am I supposed to respond to your message if I can't read the whole thing?
Thanks for reading and responding.
Hi Anne -- Great blog with information to be coveted by the marketing set (I do read many of the imported e-newsletter information articles, however, elsewhere). Great job. And good-looking layout, too.
Liked your "Subject Line" information,which we can use in our IMC 616 and 626 courses; thanks.
Keep up the good work with superlative writing.
Like your red hair, too!
Prof. V,
WVU, IMC Masters Professor
Prof. V. --
Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. I know that since we've met you've seen my red hair (ha ha) but I will try to post a picture of myself on the blog after I get it cut and tamed tomorrow night (it's wild, too blonde and too long right now to be respectible).
FYI, my boxing gloves are also red...
I've been baited and switched! MarketingProfs sent me lots of cleverly titled e-mails (which I usually open and scan) and then sent me a generic "Meeting Request" e-mail. Perhaps you got one too. Tricky. I felt like they broke my trust.
Heidi, really! I got the same "Meeting" message from MarketingProfs and was a little mystified. Not cranky enough to send a reply, though (not a good use of my time).
Keep up the good work!
Prof. V
Yeah, ladies, I got one too. You figured there had to be a catch, though, didn't you? Giving out all that interesting and informative stuff for free?
Hey Anne,
This review of e-mail dos and don'ts is very useful - and amazing when we consider how many poorly constructed or misleading subject lines are going out. I guess e-mail marketers are somewhat resigned to low open rates, and might not be trying super-hard to improve ...
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